Here are some creative links for you all to check out... happy weekend!

I'll take one of each! Beautiful unique way to use felt. I may go shopping soon!
If I ever get an iPhone, I'm going here for a case. This seahorse case is TOTALLY my aesthetic.
I am in love with this junk mail art!
Easy-to-follow video tutorial for making a skirt in an hour!
Or how about this really, really cute pleated skirt? I'm not usually a skirt-wearer, but I might make one for when I go back to work!
And speaking of going back to work, I lug my laptop back and forth every day... is it finally time for a laptop bag? I'm thinking yes.
Save stained shirts! With a baby now eating solids, there are a lot more stains showing up on her clothes... Instead of tossing them, I should save them!
And if the shirts really are unsaveable, cut them up and make some headbands!
Now if only Adelaide will sleep so I can make some of this stuff!
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